Sunday, September 24, 2006

Fame, loosely defined

Exciting news: the closest thing I have to an academic publication (but give me a break, it's my first month of grad school!) is now online, and--seeing as this came out last year-- presumably went online sometime between now and the last time I'd Googled myself. It's about Philip Roth and the University of Chicago, and thus will be of interest to Rita and no one else.


Miss Self-Important said...

I could never get through Augie March, though I valiantly tried up through page 100 at least three times. The minute Augie stops being a child, my interest vanishes. Bellow may be the more optimistic writer, but Roth has never been as boring. Maybe I just prefer the kvetchers. Either way, I haven't read enough of either of their U of C portrayals yet to draw conclusions.

Phoebe Maltz Bovy said...

I'd tell you to read my Criterion article on Roth-Bellow-Chicago, but UChicago conservatives seem reluctant to get their paper, sorry, journal, on the internet. Hm...