Thursday, December 30, 2004

"Really, really well-written"

For a change, OxBlog links to a diary blog, giving the reason, "it's just really, really well-written." The diary blog, "May Day Cafe," only has four posts so far, and one of them, "Arm-Muscle Man," recounts the young woman's brief romantic encounter with a young man who is not only an Ivy Leaguer, a Rhodes Scholar, and Jewish, but also has "quite nice" arm muscles. The only drawback was that this young man " had managed to acquire a severe case of arrogant arsehole syndrome" but was nevertheless "charming."

The quality of this diary blog's writing might, just might, have had less to do with why it got a link from OxBlog than did its content...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny, I don't recall Chafetz's life as a professional tennis player.