This is the first quarter in some time that I am not taking a French class. I've taken just about all they've got, and the few I haven't seem to meet when I have more important things to do, such as take certain Core requirements without which I won't graduate on time. But it's sad not taking a French class, and I miss the language. I'm concerned that I'll forget it this quarter; my B.A. paper will be in French (!) but I will not be hearing much French spoken on any regular basis. I'm thinking French radio, something, some compensation will be needed. As much as I would enjoy making my committment to all that is French be a strict 35-hour work week and a few glasses of wine each night with a steak and salad, with cheese as dessert, with a movie playing in the background about two beautiful Frenchmen discovering themselves and each other....I'm thinking pasta, diet Coke, and French radio will have to suffice.
I am also about to switch into some sort of FrangHebrew--appropriate, in that I study France and Zionism--and will thus end this post with: L'Universite de Chicago, bihcafeteria, la nourriture n'est pas mitzuyan, hee rah, hee lo tovah, ani rotza falafel et fromage....And with that, a snack of organic (but, thankfully, sweetened) cereal, origin: Whole Foods; brand: Arrowhead Mills; resemblence to cardboard: surprisingly slight.
Thursday, January 27, 2005
French withdrawl
Posted by
Phoebe Maltz Bovy
Thursday, January 27, 2005
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Ecrit en francais, bien sur. Well, actually, it's also got to be on a French-related subject.
Alex, Phoebe's saying the food in the cafeteria is really really bad and she wants falafel and, of course, cheese. At least I think that's what she's saying. I think it's safe to say she likes cheese.
Tres mayoohad, mais ani aussi lomed Frebrew.
NRJ (pron. "En-Air-Gee" for those of you who aren't francophiles) is available online, 24/7...
France 2 and France 3 also stream their newscasts. It's how I try to keep the French up.
Or, you could, you know, go to France...
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