Thursday, June 02, 2005

WWPD Contest Time!!!*

"And that's why I didn't go to Hebrew school."

A Lab school guy said this to some of his buddies while having lunch in the park over by Medici, and Sam and I overheard only this snippet of their conversation. Since Sam and I did both go to Hebrew school, we were curious as to what preceded the sentence we overheard. The kid was really indignant, so we wanted to know what he thinks might have happened had he in fact gone to Hebrew school. We had a few guesses, but none were satisfactory. So I ask my readers to answer the following question: Why didn't the Labbie in the park go to Hebrew school? The commentor with the best answer wins...not sure, but perhaps the next contest will be to decide what WWPD contest prizes ought to be.

*Continuing on the Jewish theme. Buddhist theme will follow, once post-college finding-myself commences.


Anonymous said...

Maybe he grew up in Nepal.

Phoebe Maltz Bovy said...

Not bad. An alternative to my own theory, which is that he's not Jewish.

Anonymous said...

"I kept telling myself that I could stop at any time, that I was just a recreational user. But finally, I had to admit the obvious truth: I couldn't go more than an hour without another fix. I was hopelessly addicted to bacon. And that's why I didn't go to Hebrew school."

Phoebe Maltz Bovy said...

That doesn't explain why he couldn't have gone to Reform Hebrew school.