Thursday, June 02, 2005

Where to study for tomorrow's final (Unabridged Edition)

1) My room:

Pros: I'm here now, so I wouldn't have to go anywhere; all my stuff is here.
Cons: My bed is here, which means the ever-present temptation to nap.

2) The Reg:

Pros: Nowhere good to nap; lots of studious-looking people around me exerting positive peer pressure; peanut butter M&Ms and coffee in Ex Libris.
Cons: A number of the "studious-looking people" are friends or acquaintances, which will mean chatting; the Reg means relocation, and relocation means going alllll the way to campus, and is a change of scenery worth it?

3) Classics Cafe:

Pros: Mocha-availability; well-dressed grad students and profs; a pleasant non-basement environment; wireless.
Cons: Again, requires leaving my room; might not be any free tables; the people who sit there and pretend to read exert less-than-positive peer pressure and my studying will turn into "studying" will turn into not even pretending to study.


Anonymous said...

Well dressed graduate students? Sounds like a contradiction in terms!

-- a u of c classics grad student

Phoebe Maltz Bovy said...

Have you seen the U of C undergrads? Have you been to the A-level lately? Classics is the fashion capital of the neighborhood.