Saturday, June 25, 2005

Dachshundwatch, continued

No photos, but several dachshunds have been spotted this week. Sam saw a dachshund being carried in a bike basket during a Critical Mass bike ride in Chicago (a dachshund with a social conscience!) and I saw one climb into the back of a Jaguar being driven by a very put-together woman in Manhattan (a dachshund living it up!), as well as three longhaired dachshunds together in Central Park (athletic, sunbathing dachshunds!). I also saw a dachshund with a cow-patterned coat (unclassifiable!).

That's it for this edition of Dachshundwatch. Tune in next time for more dachshunds, and maybe even some pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On the other hand..