Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Is college over?

Not as an institution (leave that discussion to Allan Bloom's successors), but for me. I had my last day at work today, and this evening was the last food-based Hebrew-class event I may ever attend, since all that's left are a review session and the exam. And then that's it. Various cliched college experiences have yet to happen. In sitcoms, when a 40-something female character knowingly says "college" that's code for lesbian experimentation and rampant drug use. When I'm a 40-something female real-person I'll say "college" and that'll be code for a different experience entirely.


Anonymous said...

Whenever I visit your blog, I get numerous pop-up ads for Seven jeans. See what you've done?

Also, I am officiellement FRENCHED OUT. Two more pages, then no more for a long, long time.


Anonymous said...

But what will you say when you're a 40-something female sitcom character?

Phoebe Maltz Bovy said...

Rosie--I'm everything'd out.

Petey--Think "Strangers with Candy."