Friday, February 11, 2005

Preppy and protected

Parents are now moving out to towns where the boarding schools they're sending their kids to are located. The photos accompanying this article will, if you didn't already have a stereotype of what boarding school kids and parents look like etched in your mind, provide you with one. As will the quotes from the parents. Is the NYT mocking them? It's unclear.

"My life was in my Volvo. Now I walk everywhere."

"Even as newlyweds we tucked away in our minds that it would be so perfect if they would go to [the Milbrook School]."

"I'm a mom," Ms. Edwards explained. "I need to stay plugged in. This world has gotten scary crazy and drug-infested. I'm trying to stay on top of my teenage children."

I thought boarding schools (and, to a lesser extent, high schools in general) had always been crazy and drug-infested. It's great that this mother thinks "this world" and these times in particular are to blame. Hasn't she seen "The Ice Storm" or even, who knows, experienced the 1970s firsthand?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nick Sheff's whole problem was that his father didn't move to Hampshire with him.