Saturday, February 12, 2005

Inadvertent criminal activity

As a 21-year-old with no interest in substances that are illegal to me, and who doesn't drive and thus cannot be caught speeding or illegally parked, I would describe myself as an exceptionally law-abiding citizen. But today, had the Reg been located in Virginia, I would have broken the law. You see, I have these Diesel (or possibly "Diesel") jeans from Filenes that are not the best-cut pair of pants in the world. They are not the worst-cut, either, or I wouldn't wear them. But it's that time of the laundry cycle and, while reading about the late 19th century in France, I all of a sudden realized that someone behind me could, in theory, see London, see France, get the picture. Nothing that some careful shirt-and-jacket adjustment couldn't fix, though.

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