Sunday, May 06, 2007


In an especially riveting episode of "Sex and the City," Carrie observes a sisterhood of women who do work on laptops in coffee shops because they've recently moved in with their boyfriends and can no longer work from home. In the scene, Carrie and some other woman exchange knowing glances in a coffee shop.

This is unrealistic, I thought. Straight women do not make eye contact with one another in coffee shops.

I was wrong. There is a sisterhood, but it's got nothing to do with cohabitation. Today I went running for the first time in ages and got as far as a pastry place. And so I sat outside, in my running clothes, and had a pastry. As I sat there, another woman in running clothes entered. She gave me a knowing look. I of course do not know this woman's sexual orientation, but this was not the "knowing look" women frequently give one another in Park Slope.

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