Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Debate and cheerleading, together at last

I've remarked many times to Will (Murray, of the rarely-updated More Dancing Angels) that debate teams ought to have cheerleaders, and that, should the Amherst team ever play Chicago (or whatever they call it--"play" can't be right) I would happily seek out some pom poms and do what must be done. So it was to my delight that Wonkette has noted the obvious association between debate and cheerleading.

Number six in Wonkette's presidential debate drinking game: "A Republican operative cites Kerry's prep school debate team experience: Try on a cheerleader outfit."


Daniel said...

I liked the last one on the pre-debate checklist : "Someone proclaims that "the entire race may come down to this": Move to Canada."

Phoebe Maltz Bovy said...

If a similar drinking game were played in Canada, where would you be forced to move, Greenland?

Daniel said...

I have to believe that Canadians would be most frightened to move somewhere like Wales. Or Quebec if they aren't already there. I'm not sure why, though...

Phoebe Maltz Bovy said...


I just like the idea of, if things aren't going well, you move north. But the further north you already are, the more problems you're gonna have.

Daniel said...

But with that, they Candians would all end up in Alaska. Which is just like moving south because then they're back in the U.S.

Sure, Wales... I said I didn't know why. But now that I think about it - who would want Charles as their prince?