Monday, December 13, 2010

Dreams of my poodle

Inspired by Kei, I finally got it together to email the breeders responsible for the two most spectacular miniature poodles ever. Getting the timing right - we can't have a pet now - may be complicated, but in the mean time, I'll be doing all kinds of dogs-generally, miniature-poodles-specifically research. If all goes according to plan, prepare for this blog to switch over to puppy-coverage in under a year.


Miss Self-Important said...

I once did breeder research for sphynx cats (yes, I do happen to like them despite general public revulsion), but gave up when I realized that pure-bred cats cost thousands of dollars while cats from the animal shelter are free and perform as well or better in all categories of cat attainment (except awesomeness of appearance, which only hairless cats can achieve) as purebred alternatives. How are you going to integrate a breeder poodle into your cheapness regimen?

Phoebe Maltz Bovy said...

He whose program is five rather than six years decides which breed, although my enthusiasm's at least as great. I've looked into poodle rescue as well, but haven't come up with much - this is all looking months in advance, so who knows what we'll end up with. I've had some friends have problems with rescue dogs, and having never owned a dog before, I'd like to go the simplest route. As for cheapness, if we maintain all other areas of frugality, even the fanciest, schmanciest of poodles would put us financially ahead of two-grad-student-income.

kei said...

One thing I didn't know was that the gestation period for dogs is short (~9 weeks?) so if there are a number of litters between now and around the time you plan to adopt (acquire? obtain? get? take him/her in? I never know what verb to use), you should be able to plan ahead nicely.

The costs of owning a dog seem to end up mostly depending on its health. I think most breeders guarantee health, though I'm not sure exactly how that's possible, but maybe intention is what's important. In our case, it turned out that Mitsu also has a slight heart murmur (like it's Poo Monster littermate), and the breeder has been asking us to keep us updated on it.

I often thought about shelter/rescues vs. purebreds. I think what I like about the purebred route is that 1) I know who her parents are, even if I don't know anything about them except that they must be obedient and good-natured to some extent if they are both successful show dogs; 2) I know more or less know what her life was like during her first 8 weeks; and 3) you get to have a your puppy fairly young (they say 8 weeks is earliest you should take home a puppy), so you get to control its upbringing at a "critical" time (when it's young, innocent, vulnerable--a soft pad of butter). This part of the process of owning a puppy is not simple, I assure you, but it is pretty neat that you get to kind of mold your dog's behavior the way you want it to be when it's older. I suppose you can get a young puppy at a shelter or rescue, too, but it always seemed to me that they would be the first to be adopted before the older dogs, who are in more need of "forever homes."

Anyway, keep us updated on your poodle adventures, and good luck!

Phoebe Maltz Bovy said...


Thanks for all the advice! I haven't heard back yet from the poodle breeders, but I suspect calling is more effective than just emailing, so that's the next step. (Jo finally saw the poodles in question that live in our building, and approved, so it's time to get moving on this!)