A man writes into the Ethicist, says his daughter cheated once--and only once!--in high school, and now he's concerned, though the high school removed the offense from the girl's official record, that she will nevertheless be obliged to tell colleges she applies to that, yes, she once cheated. The Ethicist's answer is a piece of work, indeed. This is how the wise one concludes:
I hope college admissions offices will show a real understanding of youthful fallibility and the possibility of reform, regarding this misstep not as the defining moment of your daughter's life but as an anomaly. With luck, colleges will admire her integrity for owning up to her misdeed.
First problem here: I would guess that this was not her "first and last offense," as the father so confidently states in his question. At Stuyvesant (which, lord knows, is probably where the girl in question is in school) the kids who cheated did so mercilessly, and would, in their four years, get caught maybe once. A calculating student would see that she could get away with saying she was young and stupid once, but would hesitate to tell colleges--or her father--that she's cheated before and has cheated since.
This, though, is what aggravates me:
THICK ENVELOPE UPDATE: The daughter was asked about cheating, she replied honestly and she was accepted by her early-decision college. It is gratifying to see integrity rewarded and an admissions office display such savvy and humanity.
Savvy and humanity? Utter nonsense. For every cheating daughter of a Times reader a savvy and humane college admits, there are a whole bunch of smart, honest, but less, well, savvy kids getting thin envelopes in the mail. The college process may be as fair as possible, but it is still incredibly unfair, and tiny slips count against everyone. Even if we take the father at his word that the girl only cheated once, a college's being understanding in one kid's case means being brutal in the cases of the other kids vying for that spot. It is not remotely "gratifying" to see that this girl may be taking the place of some kid who, as I did (and do), takes doing her own work seriously, even if the results do not always match exactly what colleges are looking for. (Suddenly I'm remembering that dreadfully low grade I got in high school physics. I most certainly did not expect "humane" responses from colleges, and was pleasantly surprised when Chicago and some other schools were able to look past it.)
Sunday, January 23, 2005
The Ethicist isn't
Posted by
Phoebe Maltz Bovy
Sunday, January 23, 2005
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