Thursday, January 31, 2013

Almost finished I promise

OK, so I'm mostly done investigating my own navel, i.e. discussing the response to my parental overshare post. But, two things.

Thing one: There are parenting-bloggers who defend what they do by saying that they don't share naked photos of their kids. Well that's something. And toilet-training-blogging is a thing, complete with day-by-day accounts and photos of the poor child in his underwear. (On what I think is a high-profile blog?) No link, because ugh.

Thing two: They read me in Canada!

1 comment:

Petey said...

I'm just glad that the Worthwhile Canadian Initiative has picked up on my Helen Lovejoy riff.

"There are parenting-bloggers who defend what they do by saying that they don't share naked photos of their kids. Well that's something"


In Germany, I believe it's illegal to blog about your children without including nude shots.

What I find far more objectionable is the plumbers in southend blogging about their children by showing them working under sinks showing their butt-cracks. That's simply prurient and wrong.