Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Profundity of the day

A phenomenon not unlike the blonde brunette: defining "curly" hair as what happens when a woman with fine, straight hair uses bobby pins to create beachy/glamorous waves. Women with naturally wavy-to-kinky hair, you see why this is absurd. To the rest, the problem here is that these "curly" styles - meant to be indicative of pride in one's natural hair texture - are achieved only by straightening hair and then curling it strategically later on. It is in fact lower-maintenance to just flat-iron your hair and be done with it.


Britta said...

Looks like people in the comments also noticed. Also, I wouldn't even call the last style even curly (or sleek, for that matter).

Rachel said...

It is in fact lower-maintenance to just flat-iron your hair and be done with it.

Hells yes.