She can unlock her crate from the inside. She can pee on a pad. She can sit upon command maybe 60% of the time. She likes getting brushed and playing with her "Kosher" squeak-toy. She needs a bit of a haircut, but we're going to start with a bath. I vaguely recall luxuries like sleep, hair-drying, three meals a day, Internet procrastination not centered around increasing my knowledge of how to turn schrecklichen into (insert Cesar's voice here, as channeled by "South Park" in that episode where they train Cartman) submissive.
Adorable! I gurgle and burble with delight.
Thanks! She is adorable. A *ton* of work, but adorable. And eerily identical to the first miniature poodle that appears when I google "miniature poodle."
Congrats on acquiring and continuing to acquire Bisou! I third the adorable comment! She seems to be a fast learner and pretty accommodating, so I wonder if things will get easier soon. Smart dogs are lots of fun and interesting, but it can be difficult at times when...they know too much, or something like that. Do poodles need lots of grooming? Good luck with that! I hope to see more Bisou posts!
Thanks Kei! Things are getting easier, and have been since the Week of Utter Despair (we have a book called "I just got a puppy, what do I do?" that I remarked ought to have been "what was I thinking?" after the comma). Something came up in her first vet appt. that might have meant we wouldn't be able to keep her, but turned out to be nothing after all, but man, those first few days would have been much easier if I'd been able to feel like I could fully bond... But now, bonded like crazy. I'll probably just put photos on Posterous for the most part, b/c of storage limits, but there will be more posts here on the topic as well, for sure.
And yes, poodles require serious grooming (but don't shed). Maybe because my own hair also does, I haven't found this so daunting, but she's overdue for a trim, I think, which I'm only going to attempt on my own after watching a groomer do it.
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