Hello from the Old-New computer. Our first trip (mine and the new harddrive's) was to the Jewish Theological Seminary's library, to read up on a not-so-famous French convert. The JTS library could not be more different from NYU's. Rather than being filled with mostly-female undergrads in leggings or skinny jeans, the place is chock full of orthodox Jewish men. For whatever entirely unfair and prejudicial reason, the JTS thus struck me as a better, more serious place to work. Of course, people chat loudly in both libraries, answer cell phones, and otherwise fail to respect the sanctity of the place, but a momentary respite from the Urban Outfitters spring collection can't hurt when one is researching the early 19th century.
I would switch study spots entirely were it not for several factors: 1) The JTS is on 122nd Street, and thus not remotely near school or home. 2) As a non-JTS student, I cannot use the internet, and what with my passion for emailing everything I write to myself as backup, this is a problem. 3) To go read an obscure book about the "Jewish Question" in Old Regime France requires a security check greater than what's needed to get on an airplane in Israel. Because it's a Jewish building, and thus a possible target for attack since (all together now) everyone hates the Jews, not only does a security guard glance at you suspiciously and go through your backpack, but, once this is done, he asks you to empty your pockets and waves a metal detector all around your torso. Seeing as someone (possibly in 1954) already spilled a beverage on the book in question, I don't know quite what problems they thought I would cause. Seeing as school shootings happen all the time at colleges across the nation these days, I doubt if Jewish sites are even that much more statistically at risk. Anyhow, that, plus the Early Modern dress of my fellow researchers, combined to make for a very authentic experience reading about anti-Semitism in pre-Revolutionary Europe.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Adventures on the 1 train
Posted by
Phoebe Maltz Bovy
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Labels: francophilic zionism, tour d'ivoire
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Did they make you wash your hands and/or wear gloves when reviewing the historical text?
If they didn't they should have.
The oils and sweat from your hands degrade the paper, especially non-acid free paper as in books from the mid 19th to 20th centuries.
I'm quite sure that a 1950s soda did more damage to the book in question than hand-oils, but... good to know.
You are optimistic in your statistics. WIthout security, I suspect the amount of violence and terror directed at Jewish universities and institutions would skyrocket. An unprovable counterfactual one way or the other, I suppose, but JTS and its peers would be fools not to take precautions.
Why would it skyrocket? Are Jews that hated on the Upper West Side?
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