Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Charoset for all!

While the "Jewish lobby" failed to do its thing with this week's Dining section, it does seem to have a foot in the virtual door at cooking site Epicurious. A recipe for black bean soup yields the following sidebar quiz:

Take our weekly poll!

What kind of charoset will you have this Passover?

-Ashkenazi — walnuts, wine, and apples
-Sephardic — with dates and oranges
-It won't be on my seder table


Where's option 4, "What's a seder?" Clearly this is an example of overrepresentation--what percent of the American cooking population is not only Jewish but observant enough to have a seder? I think this calls for a follow-up Walt-Mearsheimer collaboration.

1 comment:

Avi said...

According to the National Jewish Population Survey in 2000, 67% of American Jews hold/attend a seder. How halakhic it is is another story but how can you not have charoset?