Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Two Rachels and a dreyfusard

Today I showed Rachel, former Hebrew and Zionism class classmate, around SoHo and the Village, and returned with zahtar, tiramisu ice cream, a biography of Proust, and a pair of silver-colored boots. Only in New York? Most likely. Perhaps it could be done, but would take much longer, in Chicago.

A different Rachel emailed me this most fabulous article from the Jerusalem Post. Seems a square in Paris is being named after Bernard Lazare, the first well-known (at the time, sadly less so today) defender of Dreyfus and the main subject of my B.A. paper. Lazare was everything--a writer, an anarchist, but more of a libertarian anarchist, an assimilationist, then a Zionist, and then a champion of Romania's Jews.

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