Thursday, March 10, 2005

Getting through finals: The 10-step program

1) Having re-signed up for facebook, checked that out for a bit.
2) Went to work. Which, like, counts as being productive.
3) Chatted on the phone with occasional co-blogger Molly.
4) Made sure I'd consumed sufficient caffeine and calories for a day of unsurpassed productivity.
5) Walked around a bit.
6) Actually entered the Reg.
7) Sent several emails announcing that I'd made it to the library.
8) Signed onto Blogger to blog about having made it to the library.
9) Gave some serious thought to which subject to attack first.
10) Will get up from the computer and start looking over physci notes. The fun begins....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

11) Consume more caffeine
12) Magazines!
13) Time for another walk
14) Why study boring subjects when the library is full of books on the Dreyfus affair?
15) Backgammon!