Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Speaking of...

How timely! Fresh in my inbox, an email forwarded to my department proposing what could only be described as the job Elaine does for Mr. Pitt. The list emails are a great source of valuable info. and, alas, inadvertent entertainment, as with the recent request, by an agent, for a tutor, presumably for an unnamed celebrity, where if you wanted the job, you needed to send your resume with a photo attached. There are also sometimes demoralizing requests for babysitters (good to know these ABD skills add up to a job one can perfectly well take in middle school), but those are at least paid positions.

Which brings us to this latest. It comes from a Writer, one I'd never heard of, but who will have you know that he's a big deal. After three paragraphs of bio, he gets to the point:
I won't burden you with a list of the various other literary projects I'm involved in, but I hope it's obvious that I have plenty of potential duties for an assistant. It is essential that an intern be a native speaker of French who is capable of helping me when I write directly in that language. This would be an internship of several hours a week, rather than a paid position, offering interesting experience dealing with people and activities in the literary world of two cultures. Hopefully, it could count toward academic credit.
"Hopefully," heh. And I don't for a moment doubt that this "position" will receive multiple applications, if not from my own department, then from wherever else it's being advertised.

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