Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A follow-up

The model-off-duty-as-fashion-inspiration-for-us-all trend has seriously gone too far. Wow! A black jacket, white t-shirt, and jeans! I bet if I made the same style choices, I'd look just like her! But wait! I wear the same thing every day! How can it be? Must be her accessories... In other news, that Fashionista post has just told me which model it was who took my spot on the bench in front of a certain Nolita coffee bar not long ago. (If she's 19, let's just call me Elena Kagan minus the accomplishments and be done with it.)


  1. Are you doubting that she's 19? (I can't quite tell.) If so, in which direction does the doubt run? I'm not terribly good at guessing people's age, but in the one photo you link to, she _seems_ like she _could_ be 19.

    (Also, in that photo she looks good, but not so good that I'd do more than think "hmm, nice" if I saw her. There are lots and lots of people that good looking.)

  2. Matt,

    You'll have to take my word that she looked both much younger and much prettier in person. I'd have estimated 10th grade.

    Also, you're a tough to please one whenever the subject of women and looks comes up! Nary a model or celebrity makes the cut.

  3. I can imagine her looking younger in real life- the photo was such to make her face hard to see the details on. (And, like I said, I've found that I'm not especially good as guessing ages!)

    And she's pretty! Just not so pretty that you don't see lots of people (especially in NY) that pretty, I think. But again, probably prettier in real life.
    (I used to think that the young Winona Ryder say like in this photo
    (scroll down a bit) but ideally with less lip-stick, would be my ideal, if I had one, but I like lots of different looks. But I also don't think anyone should care about who I think is pretty (except my wife, who is lovely, fortunately for me.)

  4. I'll add that I asked my wife about how old she would have guessed the model in the photo to be and she also thought she looked under 19 (she said she would have guess 15. That seems young to me, but apparently your impression isn't an unusual one.)

  5. Matt,

    So the lesson is that women are better judges of female age than men are. That's bad news for the barroom pickup scene.

  6. I showed the photo to my boyfriend, asking "how old is this woman?" and his response was, "she's a woman?" He guessed around 18. I do agree she looks young, though honestly, I'd say anywhere between 15 and 22. I also don't think she's that good looking, but I'm probably in Matt's camp when it comes to finding women attractive. For some reason, I actually find models much less good looking than actresses or even just attractive women I know.
