Thursday, March 03, 2005

But what will I wear?

I must be incredibly unfunny, as I've been invited to be a panelist at the Feminist Majority's annual "What is Feminism?" panel discussion here at UChicago. I attended this event (and covered it for the Maroon) my first year, so I have some sense of what I'm getting into. All Chicago-area readers should show up on April 4 (more details when I know more about this) and hear me give my 5-7 minute speech.


  1. I'd like to be "you" when I grow up. The problem is: I'm already twenty or so years older than you. Wish I could hear your talk and see what you decided to wear. -- JM

  2. Just be your fabulous self Phoebe! Make a quick H&M run beforehand. I'll come with! Or check out the U of C fashions at Moda tonight. You can be my date! I'll see you at the feminist panel. Think our columns had anything to do with the invites?

    Julie Fredrickson
