Tuesday, September 21, 2004


Canadian blogger Alex Bellefleur seeks Montreal bagels in Toronto. I was on a similar quest in Chicago, for New York bagels. The happy ending? Fox & Obel. Relatedly, I should note that those in Chicago seeking something d-liteful should try Treats--sort of a Coca Cola Light to Tasti's Diet Coke, not quite the same, but when a craving strikes, it'll do.


  1. Dude, the 1/4 of me that is Canadian is allowed to mock itself. And I happened to enjoy the 4 days I spent in Canada, in Montreal, maneuvering through lots and lots of snow in newly-purchased Roots boots.

  2. treats is tasty! i've never had tasti-d-lite, but managed to hit up a treats late this summer when my brother was in town. he had a "mess" with banana and chocolate and reese's peanut butter cups.
