Wednesday, August 25, 2004

"Old fashioned British walking shoes." Not.

As fashionisto Will Baude has already pointed out, pointed is, well, out.

The Business section of the Times urges women to "Forget ballet flats or sneakers or the old-fashioned British walking shoes."

While I have no idea what "old-fashioned British walking shoes" would look like (I'm guessing awful), I'm a fan of ballet flats and some sneakers, such as the silver Puma Mostro, which as those who know me well already know, I spent about a year trying to track down. But forget all this! If I want to be so very now (but, given that it's 2 a.m. and I'm blogging, that can't so easily be assumed), I should abandon comfort, abandon the one very cool pair of pointed, high-heeled shoes I can actually walk in, and go for some sort of retro-looking contraptions that look only slightly less painful than the stilettos featured on "Sex and the City."

"It's a round world," said Paul Wilmot, a public relations agent who represents Calvin Klein, Oscar de la Renta and other designers. "It's clearly a throwback, a retro feel." Mr. Wilmot said he regretted the demise of "the fabulous, low-vamped shoes, as pointed as a steeple top - they make women's legs look great." He called the new silhouette ungainly: "These things are clunkers; they're high-fashion, but they're clunkers."

This trend will be out in no time--these shoes are essentially the high-heeled version of Uggs.

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